Chief investment officer for Old Second Wealth Management, Steve Meves, shares investment information and statistics Tuesday at the Kiwanis Club of Aurora meeting at the Prisco Center. His presentation included more than 40 slides with a market recap, political and geopolitical events, including presidential impeachment, Iran escalation, elections, trade, and the outlook. He said historically, impeachment doesn’t really affect the market. He added the Iran escalation doesn’t really affect the market. He shared an Emerson College study of the most important issues among voters. For all voters combined, the economy was first, followed by health care, and social issues third. He said the S&P 500 has predicted the presidential election winner 87% of the time since 1928. If the S&P 500 was higher in the three-months before the election, the incumbent party has won and if stocks are lower in the three-month period, the opposition party has won. It has been true in every presidential election since 1984. Jason Crane/The Voice