Quilt expert Kelly McLeary of Aurora discusses quilts
Quilt expert Kelly McLeary of Aurora, center, chats with visitors to her exhibit of 25 quilts, a reading and lecture Thursday, Feb. 24, at Wesley United Methodist Church in Aurora.
Quilt expert Kelly McLeary of Aurora, center, chats with visitors to her exhibit of 25 quilts, a reading and lecture Thursday, Feb. 24, at Wesley United Methodist Church in Aurora.
Is this you? You’re using Weight Watchers and exercising, tracking all of your food, now mostly just eating chicken, fruits, fish, and vegetables. You’ve been taking Levothyroxine (Synthroid) for years. Your thyroid levels are fine. Yet, you wear a Winter coat in the house and you’re still cold, and you...
Several years ago, the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute was invited to join a dozen universities in the United States to promote bipartisan collaboration and productive discourse at the State and local levels. The Institute developed a plan to strengthen how congressional town hall meetings are conducted in Illinois. Our...
By Shae BurnhamSecond of two parts The first part is at thevoice.us/brush-piles-volunteers-provide-the-majestic-view Part of the challenge of restoring an ecosystem is the amount of initial work that needs to be done prior to bringing back the native species. Volunteers contribute to a form of wide-scale gardening by removing invasive plants...
By John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead “No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.” — James Madison War is the enemy of freedom. As long as the politicians of the United States continue to involve us in wars that bankrupt the nation, jeopardize our servicemen...
March 3 Anne Sullivan begins teaching six-year-old Helen Keller, who lost her sight and hearing after a severe illness at the age of 19 months. Under Sullivan’s tutelage, including her pioneering “touch teaching” techniques, the previously uncontrollable Keller flourished, and eventually was graduated from college to become an international lecturer...