I am married to a lovely, vivacious woman who has been hounding me to have a child. We have been married (less than two years) and are still looking for the right house to buy. I promised her that once we buy a three-bedroom home, we can begin planning for a baby. I told her that after our second child is born I would go to the vet so she never has to take a pill again. Recently I noticed that the pill she takes every morning is no longer white. It is now yellow. How do I find out if she is really still using birth control?
Grandpa says: Little yellow pill sounds to me like a low dose aspirin. Take one to your pharmacist and ask her/him to confirm for you what it is. Who administers your health insurance? Has your insurance carrier been paying for birth control pills? Or, you could avoid the sneaking around and ask her to check your perception. Sounds to me like there is not enough trust and/or honesty in your home to warrant starting a family. There is no better contraceptive than abstinence. Most any adult can create a child. It takes special individuals to become real parents.
You preach Christian ethics, you quote the Quran, you offer greetings in Hebrew, and relate teachings of Buddha. When you are ready to learn the one true religion of God, please feel free to join our catechisms classes.
Grandpa says: Thank you for your kind offer. Grandpa has a problem with the religions organized by man. I have attended churches, temples, synagogues, and other houses of worship for many years. I have learned two immutable facts. Every religion created of man lacks something that God has. Every religion created of man worships the same God who created the heavens and the earth and all that is therein. I am, of course, excluding religions that teach that there is no God or preach the satanic attempt to over throw the creator. So, to say that one religion is more right than another is a fallacy. I am not a religious person. I am merely a child of God the Creator. I worship in many of His houses. I keep His Sabbaths. I love all His creation. I love His people of all backgrounds. As my Grandpa was fond of saying, “Don’t ever forget; God has no Grandchildren.” I bid you Peace.
Would you please reprint the Thanksgiving poem you did last year? It was right on the money about the way people treat Thanksgiving. This time could you tell us where you found it and who wrote it.
Grandpa says: Thank you for your compliment on my original work. That poem was published in The Voice November 23, 2017. Grandpa does not do reprints. However, anyone who wants a copy of an archived column can send a self-addressed stamped envelope to the address at the end of this column with a note telling me which column you want. Grandpa will see to it you get a copy.
Got something stuck in your craw? Ask Grandpa. Address your letters to Ask Grandpa c/o The Voice, PO Box 123, Aurora, IL 60507 or send an E-mail to