The times we live in, the uncommon battle with COVID-19, which has transformed our lives with seeking to avoid contact with the new virus, with staying inside a predominant state, and with personal distance requirements, easily can make us think of times past.
The easy reference to society’s previous standard of living, and a longing for previous experiences, moves for many to use the word normal, as in a return to normal.
Normal: This explication is not a language or grammar reference. Save that for Clear and Concise, below in this column.
Normal is not average, a common mistake. Normal is ever evolving. What is normal today likely will not be normal tomorrow. Normal is a process of learning, slipping away, or, changes in attitudes, perspectives, and understanding. Normal may include growth, or, it may be regression.
New normal is impossible because normal is a part of change, or a process.
Some of us object to normal because it indicates directly or indirectly an expectation of behavior of others or, of ourselves, or, by others of us.
What then do we want to return to from our state today? If we stand still we are not in a normal state if we are alive and capable of thinking for ourselves. Instead, we want to move forward. Normal is temporary and inhibiting. No, let us not go back to normal. We are learning from our experiences today, we will absorb what we do now, and combine that process with what we know from our experiences. That is why we relish a new day. New thoughts. New experiences. New opportunities. Improve on the previous days, weeks, months.
Let’s not go back to any sense of normal or normality. Imperceptibly, perhaps only slightly, we change each day. Normal should not be mistaken for routine. We all develop routines to help us function better. Normal is a standard we set for ourselves, even if a quiet mental process to change thoughts and behavior.
Some one else’s thoughts for our being normal may not be my perception of normal for myself. I will not assess another person’s perspective as normal, or, abnormal. That is what each person must decide for himself, or, herself. Succinctly, each day we will move forward, however limited, and we must not go back to normal. We never do go back.
Clear and concise, week 18:
• Normality is correct. Normalcy is incorrect.
• Since is a reference to time and elapsed time. Because is a reference to reasons, although (and not while) since commonly is incorrectly used for because. They are not interchangeable.