Aurora joins National Move with the Mayor Initiative

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Aurora Mayor Richard C. Irvin is joining other mayors in a nationwide initiative to increase outside physical activity and reduce heart disease and stroke by encouraging Aurora residents to get up and get moving.
“It’s been a long six months of limited activity in order to keep our community safe,” said Mayor Irvin. “As we continue to stay vigilant in the fight against COVID-19, I am encouraging residents to commit to their personal health as well by staying physically active.” 

MOVE WITH THE MAYOR is a collaboration with the National Forum for Heart Disease & Stroke Prevention. Mayors encourage their communities to be physically active to lower their chances of heart disease and its risk factors like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes.
Aurora residents are encouraged to join the mayor for safe outside activities on the following Saturday mornings in September:

  • Saturday, September 19 at 9 a.m., the mayor will join Dance Fit Studios, 908 N. Lake Street, for an outside Fuze Fit class. Fuze Fit is an energetic fitness routine designed for cardio improvement and core body strengthening. The class is free for registered participants. 
  • Saturday, September 26 at 10 a.m., residents are invited to join Mayor Irvin and the Aurora Complete Count Committee for the final Community Census Day. Focusing on undercounted neighborhoods for the 2020 Census, volunteers will walk door-to-door to remind residents of the importance of the Census. Volunteers can choose their preferred neighborhoods to visit. 

Participation in all events is free and open to the public. Register at

All participants will receive a free “Move with the Mayor” bracelet and a certificate of participation. 

-City of Aurora government

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