Ask Grandpa: On being strong to seek help, growing up

Ask Grandpa
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I totally disagree with you and the State officials about this COVID-19 stuff. HIV/AIDS has killed more gay people and sickle cell has killed more African Americans, but little is ever said or done anything about them. I think this over-reaction to a flu bug is all about the number of straight white Bible beaters who are dying. I defy you to prove me wrong.

Grandpa says: By the E-mail address on your correspondence, I can tell exactly which prison you are in. Because the response I sent to you was personal, I will not print it here. Back when I was still young enough to be involved in prison ministries, I visited your prison on a regular basis. I know your chaplain and your counselor. I am strongly suggesting you sign up for a life style redirection class and personal one-on-one counseling to help you get over your anger and resentments. You need to explore some core issues, the causes of your inner-anger. Life style redirection will help you learn to re-parent your inner child. It is the issues you have buried away that prompted you to commit the crimes you did. You are not a bad person; you just have some bad baggage to be cleaned up. Everyone needs a little help now and again. There is nothing shameful about that. Be strong enough to seek help. I bid you peace.

With my second DUI, I lost my driving privileges forever. I need to hold down a job and support my wife and family. I have tried to quit drinking. I cannot because of the stress I am under. My stress comes from the fact that my wife is bipolar and addicted to pain medications. She won’t go get help. If she would, it would be easy for me to give up the liquor. I don’t get so drunk as to be dysfunctional at work, just enough to take the edge off of the stress. With her addiction, she gets moody and refuses to drive me to work and back. I have to pay friends to take me. Well, another one has just let me know that he will no longer take me because of what he calls my issues. I am tired of being the victim of my wife’s attitude.

Grandpa says: There is little anyone can do for you that will please you. You use people. You are the only one who creates the hardships in your life, and until you see that, you never will be more than a substance- and person-abuser. Grow up; man up.

Grandpa says: Can you believe how quickly 2020 has gone by? It is time again for Grandpa to beg your indulgence. Every Autumn I ask my readers to reflect on what is in their lives for which they are thankful. This year we will publish Thanksgiving Gratitude letters November 19, one week prior to Thanksgiving Day. In order to have your letter included in the Gratitude Column, please have your letters to Ask Grandpa by November 1.

Got something stuck in your craw? Ask Grandpa. Address your letters to Ask Grandpa c/o The Voice, PO Box 123,
Aurora, IL 60507 or send an E-mail to

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