There is always more than one way to achieve the desired results. Many methods will lead to discussions and arguments on how to achieve fulfillment. Discussions and arguments will prevail on what the desired results should hold as goals.
Consider the climate today on gun violence, what to do to diminish its negative affects, and the various problems contained. Unfortunately, too many arguments contain political viewpoints. It would be nice to take politics out of that equation, however, we understand that politics prevails in the majority of decisions which involve commitments of financial means as a solution to problems.
Flatly, there should little argument that new, powerful, rifles which unmercifully kill a large number of persons in minutes, should be banned. Unfortunately, the exception are manufacturers of such AR- weapons who can be accused of thoughtlessly proposing only to make money for their investments and not thinking of the safety of humanity.
The automatic, high-speed, rifles, eventually must be confined only to the military. That statement, in effect, is unfortunate, however, it is the world we live in today. Point of order: No resident in the U.S. should have the capacity to purchase a high-capacity rifle by however means we arrive at that goal. Will it take five years? Ten years? How many innocent victims will die in the meantime. The point here is that the mindset of banishing open purchase of automatic weapons must be realized prior to our thinking safety can be achieved. Some avenues in life simply are completely clear. When it is achieved is the question?
• State representative Maura Hirschauer, D-Batavia, has continued a legislative fight to reduce mass shootings. Other representatives have similar mindsets. The growing sentiment must be accumulated for society’s safety. She said: “Gun violence is a complex public safety issue that calls for multifaceted solutions, and I am confident the work of the (State) House Firearm Safety and Reform Group will inform and inspire meaningful change for our communities.”
She is a member of that necessary group.
• First Fridays will return Friday, Aug. 5 in Aurora with its annual Stolp Block Party. Stolp Avenue will be blocked off between Downer Place and Galena Boulevard so live art and food trucks can take over the street. Live music will be performed at Millennium Plaza gazebo, School of Rock Geneva at 6 p.m. and A Sure Thang at 8 p.m.. The block party, 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., will have more than two dozen activities.
• We might do well to stop and think how far we have moved since the COVID-19 disrupted society in 2020 and early 2021. We are moving outside of ourselves to enjoy Summer evenings again. We should be grateful. Nonetheless, we must understand changes may occur. We can slip back a bit with the COVID-19. The biggest difference is vaccines have kept death and hospitalization much away from our doorsteps.