Friends of the Fox River (FOTFR) and Two Brother’s Roundhouse in Aurora will hold an evening of information and discussion Wednesday, Aug. 24 to help provide better understanding of Fox River restoration and dam removal. Friends of the Fox River representatives will address Fox River history, common concerns with support from scientific data, and offer an exciting vision for the future. The future looks bright for improved water quality habitat and for benefits to fish, mussels, paddlers, and the whole community.
The dams on the Fox River were constructed to provide mechanical power for local
industry. In some cases, the impoundment created by the dams were a source of ice cut for
refrigeration. Power is no longer generated by these dams, nor are ice blocks harvested.
The dams have been found to significantly degrade habitat and water quality, disrupt fish
and mussel dispersal, and present a safety hazard to humans.
Much has been accomplished to improve local water quality over the past 50 years. Now,
the cheapest and easiest way to improve Fox River water quality is to restore the natural
habitat through dam removal. In addition, the restoration will result in improved recreational
opportunities and protect human safety.
6 pm – Depart/walk form the Roundhouse Lobby to RiverEdge Park Bike & Pedestrian
6:15 – 6:45 – Brief overview of Fox River’s natural & cultural history, and introduction to river
restoration. Limited Q & A period.
6:45 – 7:15 – Return to Two Brother’s Roundhouse Tavern Room. Food and beverages will
be available for purchase.
7:15 – Deeper dive into the science of river restoration involving dam removal.
If you are unable to attend, send your questions to Friends of the Fox River at
Friends of the Fox River (FOTFR) is a local non-profit organization whose mission is to
preserve, restore and protect the Fox River watershed’s resources by connecting people
with nature through education, research, restoration and advocacy.
FOTFR is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization made up of citizens and organizations taking
action to protect the quality of the Fox River and its tributaries. We encourage both adults
and students to become involved in protecting the river and its watershed.
-Friends of the Fox River