Tom Muth honored in retirement

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By Al Benson

After 36 years of service to Oswego-based Fox Metro Water Reclamation District, manager Tom Muth of Aurora was honored at a retirement open house Friday, Dec. 2, his final day of service.

Auroran Tom Muth receives an an appreciation certificate Friday, Dec. 2, from Charlene Coulombe, executive director, Montgomery Economic Development Corp. Muth received the award at a retirement open house after 36 years at Fox Metro Water Reclamation District. Al Benson/The Voice

Employees, friends, and family, gathered at Fox Metro’s administration building for the noon salute.

Fox Metro, a public utility, conveys and treats wastewater generated by residents of Aurora, North Aurora, Boulder Hill, Montgomery, Oswego, Sugar Grove, and portions of both Yorkville and Batavia.

Muth joined Fox Metro as assistant district manager and was promoted to manager one year later, a position he had since held.

According to a Fox Metro statement, Muth led the District’s growth 100% to serve more than 320,000 customers in four counties and seven municipalities.

Under his leadership, Fox Metro wastewater treatment capabilities grew from treating 8 mgd to 42 mgd.

Simultaneously, the district maintained monitored permit compliance with Federal and State EPA.

The district was recognized by the Illinois Association of Wastewater Agencies (IAWA) and the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) as a “best in class” provider of wastewater reclamation services.

At the open house, Muth received an appreciation certificate for service on the Montgomery Economic Development Corp. board of directors. Charlene Coulombe, MEDC executive director, made the presentation.

Earlier, Muth was recognized for 35 years of service to Aurora Noon Lions Club.

He is known as grillmaster for Lions pancake breakfast fundraisers.

Muth earned an MBA at Aurora University, a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Midwest College of Engineering and an associate’s degree in pre-engineering from Waubonsee Community College.

Muth said, “I appreciate all the support and collaboration of those I have worked with over the years.

“Together we set and accomplished our goals.

“I am confident that the District is in great hands with a well-trained team who treat each other with dignity and respect while working together to achieve shared goals.

“In my retirement, I look forward to spending time with my family and traveling.

“I also remain committed to the success of the District and will offer my help in the event they need my assistance.”

Muth said he plans to run for election to a four-year term as a district trustee in 2023.

Judith Sotir, president of Fox Metro’s board of trustees, said “Fox Metro will miss the leadership and business acumen that Tom afforded the District for over 36 years.

“His management style and relationships with community leaders allowed the District to seamlessly grow to support the ratepayers we serve.

“On behalf of our Board, we thank Tom for all that he accomplished and for leaving behind a diverse workforce who will move the District thru the 21st Century.

“We also thank Tom’s wife, Jill and his children, and know that you’ll look forward to many years of the new memories you’ll create with Tom being unencumbered by the demands of the job that knew no clock out time.”

Sotir added that Karen Clementi, district assistant manager, was promoted to district manager effective Dec. 1 to succeed Muth.

—Al Benson

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