Reader’s Voice: Thoughts on replacing Joe Biden

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July 11, 2024
Dear editor;

Allan Lichtman has predicted the winning president 90% of the time since Ronald Reagan’s 1984 re-election. He uses 13 key elements, one of them being the incumbent as a winning key, so why is their talk of replacing Joe Biden?

Joe Biden is one of our best presidents ever. Why are some Dems and media giving so much value to one 90-minute debate and not even mentioning one of Donald Trump’s repeated lies? Democrats should not be a part of keeping the attention on one ill-conceived night that should be in the dustbin of history like other bad presidential first-night-debates were within five days.

If Joe decided to step down, vice president Kamala Harris should be his replacement, but other names pop up first: California governor Gavin Newsom is steadfastly committed to the Biden-Harris ticket; Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmore says she won’t run as nominee even if Biden stands down, plus she’s on the Biden/Harris campaign committee; Pennsylvania governor Josh Shapiro is all in for Biden saying the good people of Pennsylvania have chosen Joe; Maryland governor Wes Moore says he will not seek the Democratic nomination and that Biden is not dropping out of the race – nor should he.

Watch Lawrence O’Donnell, MSNBC, Monday through Friday, 9 p.m. to 10 p.m., explaining that you can’t easily take the President’s name out and slide another name in, can’t just hand over money donated to Joe or dismiss his delegates, let alone the chaos it would cause in the Democratic National Convention at the United Center, Chicago, August 19-22.

Republicans are laughing at us thinking, ‘Never interrupt your opponent while they stomp on each other’s toes’. Let us focus instead on supporting Biden/Harris ticket and down-ballot by writing postcards and letters to editors, making phone calls, and talking to concerned others.

Judy Siedlecki, Oswego

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