U.S. continues to be faced with Court choices

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“We, the members of the U.S. Supreme Court, are thy gods by reason of our holy decrees.

“Thou shalt have no other gods before us.

“Thou shalt not make any graven images or likenesses of us, except that of our servant, Donald J. Trump, hereafter referred to as His Angelic Majesty (HAM) who hath brought thee out of America, the house of Biden.

“Thou shalt bow down to HAM, for we shall visit iniquity in the form of eternal bondage upon those who hate him.

“Thou shalt not take the name of HAM in vain, for we shall visit iniquity in the form of incineration upon those who hate him.

“Thou shalt remember the birth date of HAM, for we have hallowed it; no labor shall be performed on that day, except in celebration of it.

“Thou shalt not kill, except when HAM commands thee.

“Thou shalt not steal, for that is only HAM’s prerogative.

“Thou shalt not commit adultery, for that is only HAM’s prerogative.

“Thou shalt not bear false witness against HAM, for we shall visit iniquity in the form of incineration upon those who hate him.

“Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house or thy neighbor’s wife or anything else that is thy neighbor’s, for that is only HAM’s prerogative.”

I wrote the above on the Fourth of July, on which Americans have traditionally celebrated our independence from Great Britain in 1776. This year’s celebration may be our last one because, if T. Rump is elected president of the Untied States (sic) 05 November, he will ipso facto be a king ruling over us for as long as he lives. The U.S. Supreme Court has given him immunity from prosecution for any of his “official” acts as president. And, despite his denial that he will do so, he will put into force the precepts of Project 2025.

Six of the High Court’s members were hand-picked by the infamous Federalist Society, whose raison d’etre is to place conservatives in every Federal judgeship and thereby return the U.S. of A. to those halcyon days of the 18th Century and white-male supremacy. It should be noted that one of the justices (Thomas) is steeped in corruption and that three of them (Roberts, Alito, and Kavanaugh) lied during their confirmation hearings before the House Judiciary Committee.

Other rulings pulled out of thin air include:

•Stripping women of their right to control their own bodies (Note: No justice ever has been a medical doctor);

•Removing the power of regulators to regulate and transferring said power unto themselves (Note: No justice ever has been a bureaucrat);

•Removing bans on firearms if such have no history of regulation (Note: no justice ever has been an historian).

•Siding with business owners who refuse to serve gay persons (Note: No justice ever has been gay).

•In short, now that the Roberts Court has a super-majority (thanks to T. Rump), it has the means to rule by ideology and personal feelings rather than laws and legal precedents. Already it has repaid their president for making it so and has taken full advantage of their so-called mandate.

Now, dear reader, let’s look on the bright side, shall we?

Let us suppose that Joe Biden actually is re-elected (albeit by a narrower margin than in 2020) or that his replacement is elected by that same margin. What will happen?

Thanks to the High Court’s ruling on presidential immunity, he/she will have the leeway to do whatever he/she wants to do in order to implement the Democratic platform with or without the consent of Congress. How will the GOP react? Why, the members will jump up and down, scream and yell, and wet their pants? They will claim that the president is acting unconstitutionally and therefore must be impeached. They will petition the U.S. Supreme Court directly to overturn the election and install T. Rump in the White House.

They will have forgotten that every sword has two edges, one for them and one for their opposition when the time is right. Sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander, don’t you know?

As for the Supreme Court, it will find itself between a rock and a hard place. The justices will have to stew in their own juices over having made the decision to grant immunity to the president. They could bite the bullet, say, “Oops! We made a mistake” and reverse their ruling. Or, they could do nothing and risk being impeached by both the GOP and the Democrats. (Here’s a jolly conundrum for you, dear reader. Impeachment trials are overseen by the Chief Justice, according to the U.S. Constitution. Who oversees the trial when the Chief Justice is one of the defendants, huh?)

Yez pays yer money, and yez makes yer cherce, as they say downtown. Which do you want, someone who mumbles a lot or someone who lies a lot?

Just a thought.

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