Unconventional thoughts on our political conventions

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I didn’t watch much of the GOP convention because I pretty much knew what would take place. Also, it was on too soon after dinner for me to take a chance on not keeping my meat loaf down. Wisconsin governor Tony Evers had nothing good to say about it. Listening to all the speakers glorifying Donad Trump, with him and his bandaged ear garnering sympathy, was a bit more than I could attempt to digest. The speakers heaping accolades on him were the same ones, such as flip-floppers Vance and Haley, who not long ago were comparing him to Hitler and stating that he would destroy democracy as we know it. I mainly wanted to hear the supposedly new kinder, gentler Trump speak. When he did, it was something to behold. We didn’t get the same old Trump; we got the same old Trump with a bandaged ear. It’s a bit odd that the day after he dodged a bullet, he was out playing golf with a bandage-free ear, but the bandage was back in place when he made an appearance at the convention. I will give him credit for remembering which ear to put on the bandage.

I’d thought maybe the assassination attempt would be a “Come to Jesus” moment for Trump, but it turns out it was just another “Come to Donny” plea for sympathy. I saw it more as a “As you sew, so shall you reap” karma moment. His fine bit of acting may have wowed convention attendees and Wild Bill Suhayda, but I’ve heard other middle-of-the-road, on-the-fence independents not buying it. One of whom I have personal knowledge who intended to vote for Trump, says after hearing his speech he’ll vote for anyone but. I’d vote for a comatose weasel before I’d vote for the habitual liar. Trump would have been better served with the bandage on his mouth.

After getting the royal ricky-doo from his friends and consultants, poor old Joe Biden finally decided to step down. These dems may have done themselves a disservice. True, Joe hadn’t been looking good as of late, but the post-convention bounce predicted for Trump bounced like a bottle of catsup against the Oval Office wall. It would be my uneducated guess that if the Democratic Party candidate is still tied in the polls with demented Don in November, Americans will pick a candidate with morals and integrity over an amoral, narcissistic, hateful, convicted, felon and sexual predator who’s out for his own beatification.

Here’s a question for you insightful Voice readers: Which presidential candidate called the family of firefighter Corey Comeratore, slain in Trump’s assassination attempt, with condolences the day after he was killed? (Hint: It wasn’t the one out golfing with an unbandaged ear).

I’ve been around long enough to have seen quite a few televised conventions. My mother was a staunch Republican; my father was originally from Canada and was a middle-of –the-roader like me. Those newly-televised conventions were back in the days of Eisenhower, Stevenson, Nixon, etc., and mostly the GOP type, courtesy of my mother in control of the only TV in the house. Those party parties were interesting (not to me so much because I was a kid and would watch anything that presented itself on the tube) and civil, with the delegates chanting innocent slogans such as, “I like Ike,” “Madly for Adlai” and “Tippecanoe and Tyler Too.” My mother would be spinning in her grave (if she weren’t cremated) watching the recent GOP convention and Trump’s 2025 plan for America’s journey back to the Stone Age with his nasty vice-presidential Yes Man J.D. Vance in tow. Former vice president Mike Pence never would have uttered the words on stage that Vance did. Pence has principles. He never should have been tied up with con man Donny in the first place.

Vance is another story. He seems to be trying to out-Trump Trump and would think nothing of throwing his Fat Daddy under the bus if he had the chance to climb the dysfunctional ladder to authoritarianism, just as Trump would return the favor if Vance made a misstep. Isn’t it wonderful to have two samples of privileged white trash at the top of the Republican ticket?

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