Rep. Hernandez a champion of safety for children in the workplace

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A new measure carried by State Representative Barbara Hernandez, D-Aurora, will create new child labor protections to keep children safe and free from exploitation in the workplace, and was signed into law this week.

“Our children deserve robust protections if they take part in Illinois’ workforce,” Hernandez said. “Exploitation and abuse are the inevitable consequences if safeguards aren’t in place. By keeping children safe, we can ensure their continued contributions to their communities and to the future of Illinois.”

Hernandez’s Senate Bill 3646 creates a new child labor law to keep children safe and free from exploitation in the workplace. In addition to reorganizing old regulations for clarity, it adds many new requirements, such as limitations on how many hours minors can work during a school week and mandating that adults are present to monitor their work at all times.

“Whether it’s the right to choose, the right to free speech or the right to affordable healthcare, we have made great strides in securing human rights for all Illinoisans,” Hernandez said. “Workplace protections are a human right as well, and as a vulnerable group, kids undoubtedly need and deserve them.”

— Office of Representative Barbara Hernandez

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