Reader’s Commentary: In defense of Donald Trump; against recent attacks

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By Bela “Bill” Suhayda

I’ve had an unfortunate experience reading an arrogant, hate-filled conspiracy piece in the August 1 edition of The Voice, page 6. It was in the “musings about hate and assassinations” section written by “The Chas” Coddington. One ridiculous assertion of the piece dealt with the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. Coddington expressed bitterness and disappointment about the attempt, but not for the reasons you might think. He writes the crazy, insane, part of his “musings” out loud saying this was not an attempted assassination.

He writes that this was a staged performance. Coddington then villainizes Trump while mourning the fact Trump will win the presidential election because of the sympathy vote for the former president.

Coddington went further into his musings concerning the shooter, writing: “He wildly fired eight shots, nicked T. Rump’s ear, killed an innocent member of the rally, and severely wounded two others.”

Dear reader, would you, for any reason, hire even an expert sniper, let alone a 20-year-old amateur, to take a piece of your ear off with an AR-15 at 150 yards? Imagine a staged assassination attempt in which a shooter has the skill to “nick an ear” yet is so “wild,” he mistakenly kills one unfortunate and wounds two others?

Dear reader, Trump has the entire Joe Biden administration, corporate America, the FBI, CIA, DOJ and every other law-enforcement agency of the Federal government investigating him in an attempt to put him in jail. Yet, Coddington thinks Trump would dare stage this assassination effort…..get his ear grazed by a bullet from 150 yards… then have three people shot… one fatally. This is what Coddington expects you to believe. “The Chas” would be comical if he weren’t so sad.

Our country at a crossroads:

Democrats want to tear our country down in order to start over. They say our traditions, statues, holiday celebrations, policing (law and order), our flag, gender roles and sexual identity, the U.S. Constitution, free enterprise, borders, energy sources, and the country as we have known it… must be scrapped.

Half of this country looks on in disbelief as it happens right in front of our eyes. Traditional Americans stand for our flag, respect law and order, understand the differences between the two genders, respect our Constitution, believe in free market economics, believe in secure borders, want affordable energy, and want to keep our country.

Kamala Harris, the most radical candidate to ever run for the presidency, wants a redo of America. Donald Trump wants to return our country to its free, traditional and prosperous self.

The Democratic Party is battling to fundamentally transform America.

Barack Obama promised this “fundamental change” as president. It is not JFK’s Democratic Party. It’s not even Bill Clinton’s Democratic Party.

Dems used to look out for the little guy, union workers and the under-represented. Not any more. The Democratic Party of today has joined the ranks with globalists, corporate America, the industrial military complex, mainstream media, public education, and Hollywood. The Democrats of today are globalists who do not believe in borders and are not patriotic to this Country. Democrats today identify as globalists, socialists and even communists.

The radical fringe of the Democratic Party supports the terrorist organization, Hamas. BLM, and Antifa, make up the militant revolutionary army of the Democratic Party as we saw after George Floyd in 2020. George Soros provides funds for Antifa along with the prosecutors in our major cities who refuse to prosecute the crimes of Antifa, but are very willing to prosecute a former president.

Vote to save this country for yourselves against corporations, media, and a Democratic Party out to destroy America as we’ve known America.

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