I wish I could unsee this, Will Bill at it again

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Just when I thought it was safe to sit down and have a leisurely read of The Voice, what should assault my poor nearsighted eyes but a piece written by pseudo-contributor Bela “My Nose Keep Getting Longer” Suhayda. I took a Dramamine tablet and was able to read through his article, I knew it was incumbent on me to do a fact check. I said I would a few issues back, with the hope that, like Donald Trump (who backed out of a CBS 60 Minutes interview in which major party candidates have participated for more than 50 years because he would be fact checked), Wild Bill S. will pull out of The Voice. So here goes. Be warned: Some of the following may be disturbing to intelligent readers.

Mr. Suhaydumn begins with “the failure of FEMA” to help Hurricane Helene victims, claiming they’ll get little to no help from the administration and only $750 in aid. This is an outright lie that Wild Bill snatched right out of the mouth of Sean Hannity on FOX and where tRump himself got it so Suhayda could devour it and eject it right out of whatever bodily orifice discharges his information. Helene victims are eligible for $40,000 in federal aid; the $750 was just for immediate emergency items such as food, bottled water, and subscriptions by mail for The Voice. Because of this lie being spread by Wild Bill and Trump, FEMA workers are receiving threats of violence against them and hurricane victims are left believing there’s no help available to them. And how much do you think Trump contributed from the money he made hawking his useless Chinese-manufactured watches and other junk? He didn’t even throw Helene victims toilet paper like he did to Puerto Rican hurricane victims.

Next, Wild William claims that there is no money other than the aforementioned $750 available to hurricane victims because the money has been pulled from FEMA funds to sponsor illegal immigrants. Another outright lie from Bela “Don’t Confuse Me with Facts” Suhayda. This is another load of bat guano Suhayda pulled right out of Hannity’s mouth. No funds have been taken from FEMA to aid illegal immigrants. Are you noticing a pattern here? Trump was the one who, in 2019, pulled 10 million out of the FEMA budget. In fact, each year he was in office, he reduced the money going for disaster relief, culminating in a 75% reduction his final year. And while there was a shortage of Covid testing equipment and supplies for seriously ill people here in the U.S., Trump was sending our testing stuff to his separated-at-birth buddy Putin. Putin himself confirmed this (not the separated at birth part but the Covid supplies part). I wish I could have seen Wild Bill doing his happy dance we he heard this.

And here’s a final big one from Wild Bill. He’s says Joe Biden is sponsoring sex change operations for illegal immigrants using disaster relief funds. Lie! Now I know this one Bela definitely pulled out of a body opening other than his mouth. That bit of conspiracy is a Marjorie Taylor Greene special. Subject closed, Mr. Wild Bill “Haitian Immigrants Are Trying to Alter My Sex” Suhayda.

One last side note on Trump before I go wash out my mouth with an alcoholic beverage: A New York Times reporter attended a recent Trump rally and stood by the entrance. At the end of 20 minutes, he’d counted 200 individuals who had walked out. They most likely left because DonOLD Dum-Dum promised to show them the 666 birthmark on his scalp but never did, claiming he would reveal it along with his new health plan. I saw one of the well informed MAGA morons being interviewed after a Trump rally who actually believes that the Democrats are controlling the weather by seeding clouds or whatever else they do to send nasty weather to red states.

If my fact-checking of Bill “Dictatorships Shall Reign Supreme” Suhayda fails to get him to refuse to appear in The Voice, just as his Supreme Orange Master refused to appear on 60 Minutes, if enough readers write in to condemn his dangerous rhetoric, maybe his blather can be moved farther back to the comic strip section of the paper.

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