Something sinister and evil invaded our country

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Believe it or not, dear reader, I have read something by Bela Suhayda (BS) that I totally agree with.

In the September 19 issue of The Voice, he stated, “I see something sinister and evil that has invaded our country. I don’t believe I’m alone in this observation. We have family against family, friend against friend, and a fear in many to speak out about what they think. We have lost our collective trust and confidence in our fellow citizens. And there is a demonization of people who disagree with [T. Rump].

“Enter [BS] who…is toxic to anyone who reads [his] hate-filled articles. [He] does not deal with facts. [He’d] rather use anger and hate to influence your beliefs.

“[His] message is not to inform. [He] wants you in [his] hate-club. Misery loves company. And in [someone’s] estimation, [he] is a miserable [person].”

In the October 3 issue of the The Voice, BS rolled out again! His favorite targets were Biden, Harris, and the entire Democratic Party, whose “crimes against humanity” are legion. Once again, he targeted his misinformation on the southern border and the tens of thousands of “criminals” crossing the border in order to rape, murder, and steal at will and/or take away jobs from “real” Americans. And who does he quote to back up his spurious rhetoric? Why, a Republican member of Congress, by golly! Independent investigation is too much like work for him, don’t you know? It’s easier to repeat the lies of King Donald I, don’t you know?

BS’s attention has focused his hate of late upon the Democratic nominee for President of the United States, Kamala Harris. In his estimation, she is worse than Biden. Why is this? It’s because she is – wait for it, dear reader – it’s because she is (gasp!) a woman. A woman wants to be president of the United States Of America! Oh! The horror of it all! a woman in the oval office! No respectable man, or Republican, should tolerate this degenerate behavior!

Imagine, if you will, dear reader, the consequences of a woman in the White House. Tea parties every Sunday afternoon, followed by book discussions. The walls of the Oval Office festooned with photographs of Hollywood personalities meeting with madame president. Floral displays in every nook and cranny. And the atmosphere punctuated by the sounds of laughter. Oh! The wokeness of it all!

Personally, The Chas prefers someone who laughs a lot rather than someone who lies a lot. Have you ever seen/heard T. Rump laugh? No? He doesn’t know how to laugh. His only pleasurable moments is when he is vilifying someone which brings only a smile to his lips. Laughter is a human trait. What does that tell you about the King of the World?

Inasmuch as this essay will appear in the The Voice shortly before the election of 2024, I will remind the readership of what is at stake this time around.

Simply put, do we want politics-as-usual, or do we want a change of direction?

Admittedly, Kamala Harris has her faults and weaknesses. She wouldn’t be human otherwise. Still, she would have to live a long, long time in order to catch up with the “track record” of Donald J. Trump, whose faults and weaknesses are legion.

She has not had any reason to deny a so-called “stolen election” as vice president.

She has not whined endlessly about being the subject of “witch hunts.”

She has not been indicted and/or convicted of any crimes.

She has not wallowed in insults or name-calling toward persons, particularly women, who displease her.

She has not spread disinformation/misinformation far and wide in order to gain votes.

She has not claimed to be the only person on the planet who can solve the woes of America or the world.

She has not declared to be a “dictator” on day one of her administration.

She has not vowed to exact retribution upon her political “enemies.”

Rather, she is a breath of fresh air who will, when she takes office, work to dispel the toxic atmosphere brewed by T. Rump and his loyal foot soldiers, e.g. BS.

Just a thought.

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