Aspiring Eagle: Burns flags

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By Al Benson

Approximately 25 discarded U.S. flags went up in smoke Sunday night in North Aurora.

North Aurora Boy Scout Dan Miller, center, adds a discarded U.S. flag to a portable fire pit in the North Aurora Police station parking lot Sunday night. Right is Scout Brady Norris who collected flags and led the disposal ceremony for 25 flags as part of his Eagle award requirements. Norris and Miller, Aurora residents, are West Aurora High School seniors. Al Benson/The Voice

The incineration took place in the North Aurora Police station parking lot as part of Brady Norris’ requirements for a BSA Eagle award.

Norris, an Aurora resident and member of Troop 104 in North Aurora, led a flag disposal ceremony with a short speech and a portable fire pit. Earlier he collected flags by building and installing a flag retirement box in the police station. He collected unwanted flags by putting door hangers throughout North Aurora and was host to a flag drop off site at the NAPD Sunday from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m..

Norris joined Scouting in first grade. He is the son of Rebecca and Joe Norris.

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