Aurora Lions Club free vision screenings

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Aurora Lions Club will continue free youth vision screenings Saturday, Dec. 21.

Parents and caregivers are welcome to bring children ages six months to 16 from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at Santori Aurora Public Library, 101 S. River Street in Aurora.

Admission and parking are free. Advance registration is not required. Walk-ins are welcome.

Lions volunteers offer a monthly clinic on the third Saturday of the month at the library.

Volunteers use a handheld Plusoptix screener to check eye health of kids for near-sightedness, called myopia; far-sightedness, hyperopia; and astigmatism, egg-shaped eye.

Adults are notified if a screening indicates a vision problem that requires a comprehensive exam.

Vision cameras are supported by a grant from Lions International Foundation. The effort is part of Lions Kidsight USA, community eye-screening for children sponsored by Lions International.

Lions co-president Susan Koepke said warning signs of vision problems are changes in vision, changes in eye appearance, eye pain or irritation, and infections or allergies.

—Al Benson

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