Reader’s Commentary: Democratic Party disregard for life, late-term abortions

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By Bela “Bill” Suhayda

Planned Parenthood provided free mobile abortion and vasectomy units near the entrances of the United Center in Chicago during the Democratic National Convention, August 19-22. They demonstrated to the world their disregard for the unborn child. They’ve taken to destroying human life at a level never seen before in this country, perhaps the world.

Whoopie Goldberg of The View TV show has said she’s had seven abortions. She brags that she celebrated each abortion.

It’s disturbing to me that women, who bring life into the world, would behave this way.

Dems, before Roe V. Wade, promised the country abortion would be “safe, legal and rare.” It certainly is not rare!

There were more than one million aborted unborn infants in the U.S. in 2023. Four-hundred thousand of those were Black babies.

Putting a child up for adoption is still an option. But I don’t hear those voices much any more. Statistics show mothers who see ultrasounds of their unborn infants, change their minds about aborting their developing children. Democrats fight to end Pregnancy Crisis Centers from showing ultrasounds of unborn babies to their pregnant mothers. Planned Parenthood fights to close them down. It seems Pregnancy Crisis Centers are bad for their business.

Dear reader, I encourage you to do research of unborn babies 32 weeks of gestation and older going through the bloody procedure of abortion. The pictures are grotesque. Keep in mind, at 32 weeks of gestation, the child is viable (can live) outside mothers body. They have the ability to grow and flourish. Abortion ends that in a heartbeat.

Partial birth abortions used to be done inside the uterus. It was done with scalpels, scissors, to rip apart tiny defenseless vulnerable bodies.

The unborn child is literally dismembered, then delivered in pieces. It is considered murder to do this procedure outside the mother’s body. When done inside the uterus, it is considered perfectly legal.

The only difference…location.

Partial birth abortion is a procedure done in the last trimester of a child’s development. In this procedure, the baby is delivered breech (feet first.) The head of the child is not allowed to exit the birth canal. If it did, this procedure would be called murder. The child is allowed to be fully born with the exception of their head. The doctor then drills a hole in the back of the baby’s skull. A tube is inserted into the hole and then into the brain of the child. A suction device is switched on and the brain of the child is suctioned out of their skull.

The dead child is now allowed to be born as the disfigured collapsed head of the child leaves mother’s body.

I originally wrote most of this article when children were coming to my door to do tricks or to get treats on Halloween. It was hard for me to imagine looking at their innocence, and think anyone would have prevented them from being born.

Democrats have gone back to calling Donald Trump Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, a fascist, a Nazi and of course a racist, bigot, while they attempt to block Trump’s nominations for his cabinet. They are obstructionists as are “Wayne’s World” Johnson and Charles “The Sponge” Coddington.

Is it ironic to you Trump is pro-life and wants to protect the unborn and it’s the Democrats who are pro-death? Yet Trump is still being called Hitler?

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