Diabetes Club of Fox Valley members to meet March 12

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By Russ George

Members of the Diabetes Club of Fox Valley will hold their March membership meeting at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 12, at Oak Street Restaurant, 945 Oak Street, in North Aurora.

Meeting will start at 6:30 p.m. in the East Banquet Room. Dinner is optional on members’ own from the menu.

Guest speaker for this month’s membership meeting will be Dr. Ken Olson, DC, from Anodyne Pain and Wellness Solutions, who will discuss wound care, and other health complications that are diabetes related.

Invite a friend, family member or business associate to attend this meeting with you, to find out how, Anodyne Pain and Wellness Solutions, can help!

Guests are always welcome!

Our Club’s March ‘Meet and Greet’, organized by media chairperson, Ann McBride, to expose our Club and our mission, will be held Saturday, March 15, from 9 a.m. to noon, at Panera Bread, 1450 Douglas Road, at Route 34, in Oswego.

Why not stop by, meet some of our members, pickup information on diabetes, prediabetes and healthy meal planning, while enjoying a great cup of coffee.

Daylight Savings Time will begin, Sunday, March 9, so now is the time to mark your calendar, to save Friday, June 20, to participate in our 3rd Annual “Tee Off to Defeat Diabetes” Golf Outing and Banquet, being held at Bliss Creek Golf Course.

Golf committee chairperson, Adam Broholm, is finalizing all the details, and co-chair Matt McCain has already started signing up golfers.

Jenny McCain, is starting to secure donations for the huge raffle, that follows a great steak dinner. Please contact Jenny McCain, if you wish to donate something for the raffle: Cell 630-204-1197 or E-mail: jennymccain@sbcglobal.net.

Members of the Diabetes Club of Fox Valley work together, to provide diabetes awareness in the Fox Valley area, while raising funds to provide aid and education for diabetics, along with investing in research to find a cure.

Uncontrolled blood sugar (glucose) can cause vision problems, heart problems, nerve damage, dental problems, kidney damage and more.

Eat healthy, stay active and have a yearly blood test, to stay diabetes free!

The Diabetes Club of Fox Valley is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization, a true grassroots organization, where all money raised through dues, donations and fundraising is used locally for the club’s fight against diabetes.

Tax deductible donations can be made on our website: diabeteshelpnearme.com or mail your tax deductible donation to: Diabetes Club of Fox Valley, P.O. Box 88, North Aurora, Illinois 60542

Why not join our fight against diabetes? You don’t need to be diabetic to be a member of our club! Plan on attending one of our membership meetings or events, guests are always welcome! Yearly individual membership dues are $50. Corporate dues are $150 per year, which includes a sponsorship listing on our website: www.diabeteshelpnearme.com.

Have questions about the Diabetes Club of Fox Valley, please call, text or send an E-mail with your name and address to president Russ George, 630-205-9065 or send Email: Diabetesclubfv@gmail.com.

Please continue to keep informed about our club’s upcoming events, by following us in The Voice, on Facebook, and on our website:

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