Aurora Lions’ bowling fundraiser sets record

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Aurora Lions Club celebrated a record turnout for its annual bowling fundraiser Sunday afternoon, March 2.

Dick Schindel of Aurora, right, Aurora Lions Club bowling fundraiser coordinator, checks signups with registrars Susan Voigt and Paul Buddy at Sunday’s “Rolling for a Cause” fundraiser at Parkside Lanes in Aurora. A record 80 bowlers took part in the second annual event. Al Benson/The Voice

Officials reported more than 80 bowlers participated in “Rolling for a Cause,” Aurora Lions’ second annual bowling event which returned to Parkside Lanes in Aurora.

In addition to bowling and a pizza buffet with soft drinks, the event featured raffle baskets.

Proceeds will benefit Lions vision programs that include free screenings and eyeglasses for children in need.

Trained Lions volunteers give youth ages 6 months-6 years vision exams on the third Saturday of each month at Santori Aurora Public Library, 101 S. River Street in Aurora. The next screening is Saturday, March 15, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Registration is not required, walk-ins are welcome. Aurora Lions conduct exams on the third Saturday of each month at the downtown library.

Volunteers use a handheld Plusoptix screener to check eye health of kids for near-sightedness, called myopia; far-sightedness, hyperopia; and astigmatism, egg-shaped eye.

Adults are notified if a screening indicates a vision problem that requires a comprehensive exam. Vision cameras are supported by a grant from Lions International Foundation. The effort is part of Lions Kidsight USA, community eye-screening for children sponsored by Lions International.

Aurora Lions will continue monthly exams from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Saturday, March 15, at the library.

Founded in 1922, Aurora Lions Club is celebrating its second century of community service. Open to men and women interested in community service, the club meets at noon on the first and third Thursdays at Pomegranate Cafe in Aurora. Prospective members are invited. For more about Aurora Lions Club, visit

For more information about Lions International, visit

—Al Benson

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