Ask Grandpa: On full respect for Old Glory in any condition

Ask Grandpa
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I would like to start by saying I truly enjoy The Voice, but especially Ask Grandpa. You always seem to have very well thought out and very honed, heartfelt feedback to all your readers. Maybe you could share your thoughts and insights into an issue I am seeing all to frequently. I am referring to what I see as a blatant disrespect for Old Glory. I see all too frequently trucks and vehicles drive by on the road, only to see Old Glory flying from the back of the truck, in all its tattered glory. I personally find this very insulting. They have the right and freedom to express their patriotism however they wish. Am I looking at the issue wrong, or does anyone else agree with me? I think there are more appropriate ways to display your pride in Old Glory, just not off the back of your truck. What are your thoughts? Anybody?
Grandpa says: You have some very valid concerns. I am reminded of the days, long, long ago, when the late Richard Rueter was running for mayor of Aurora. A man asked him what he would do to get “junk cars” off the road. His response was simple and profound. He simply said, “Not everyone can afford a nice car to get them to work.” His meaning was that everyone does what can be done to do what is right.
We can globalize Richard’s remarks to all aspects of life. In your eyes it is a sign of disrespect to let a flag get tattered. It would be if the disrespect was intentional. What would be your thoughts of those who are being so proud of our flag that they want to display it, yet cannot afford to replace a worn tattered flag? To some a tattered or battle-worn flag is a symbol of the fight for freedom. As one man mentioned to me when he saw a worn flag on his way home from Vietnam, “Better a worn flag than no flag at all.” Francis Scott Key wrote a poem that later became our National Anthem based on his sighting of a battle worn flag flying. Yes, a pristine flag is a beautiful sight to behold. A worn and tattered flag is to be respectfully retired when it can be. So, when you see a flag flying on the back of a truck, don’t see a person disrespecting the flag, look at the heart of the person who is so proud of her, he wants to share that with the world. God bless you.
Grandpa says: Beloved readers, Grandpa has a tradition for this time of year. I ask you, my dear readers, to send to me a short note telling me what blessing you have for which you are grateful. The Thursday before Thanksgiving I publish those letters. This year the letters will be published in the November 15 issue. That means I will need to receive them before November 1. Please send your letters to the address below. I look forward to hearing from you! God Bless!
Got something stuck in your craw? Ask Grandpa. Address your letters to Ask Grandpa c/o The Voice, 314 N. Lake Street, Suite 2, Aurora, IL 60506 or send an E-mail to

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