Poem: A Fathers Day Lament

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I keep insisting we have missed the boat;
And on this subject matter you may quote.
It’s Fathers Day—the dismal date we’ve set,
It’s just about as poor as one could get.
With football, basketball, and hockey gone,
There isn’t much left to put interest on;
Not something that won’t cost an arm and leg,
Of something else for which he has to beg.
The Spring expenses he must always pay,
And close to that expensive Mothers Day,
So many other “little things” appear
Which come precisely at this time of year,
That fathers typically will feel left out,
For on that point there can be little doubt.
It seems to me the least we could have done
Was make October it…a lot more fun
And games allowing him to do his thing,
A free and open attitude to bring!

© Richard Williams

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