A focus on the U.S. humanitarian crisis needs solution

Charles Coddintgon
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Is there a humanitarian crisis in these United States?

Indeed there is. On our southern border, tens of thousands of human beings exist in a man-made limbo with little food, water, shelter, and hope for a better future. Across the country, hundreds of thousands more human beings exist without payment for their services to their country. All this is because of an unprecedented, record-breaking government shutdown.

But the real crisis, dear reader, is taking place at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. Our accidental president refuses to govern and to see that the laws of the United States are faithfully executed, unless he makes the laws himself. He has used his bully pulpit to do just that, to bully, to force everyone to do his will or to suffer the consequences. He has cowed the U.S. Senate into inaction by threatening to withdraw his support for members’ re-election bids. He has continued to spread falsehoods about his accomplishments, the media, anyone who criticizes him, and the state of the Union.

Now, this petulant child has shut down the government because the Democrats in Congress will not give him $5.7 Billion to construct a wall along the southern border in order to keep out the thousands of so-called criminals, terrorists, gang-bangers, drug-traffickers, and other so-called undesirables who cross the border daily. All this because he promised his supporters during the presidential campaign of 2016 that he would build a wall.

The fact of the matter is that his advisors during that campaign gave him some bad advice. It has been reported that, because he was so unfocused concerning illegal immigration, they decided to give him a mnemonic, i.e. a memory aid, to keep him on track. The mnemonic they gave him was “build a wall.” They hadn’t meant it to be a real solution to the immigration problem, but he was so addle-brained that he believed it was and therefore used it as a war-cry at every rally he attended, and the faithful echoed it.

Our tweeter-in-chief, the conservative media and talk-show hosts, and most Republicans in Congress, blame the Democrats for the shutdown because they don’t want a wall. Yet, the Democrats aren’t the only ones opposed. Some Republicans in Congress don’t want it, because they don’t see a purpose in it. Many who live along the border don’t want it, because they will lose some of their property through eminent domain. The Border Patrol doesn’t want it, because they want to see what’s going on across the border and prefer advanced technology to aid in their patrols. Polls show that most Americans don’t want it, because they have more important concerns on their minds, e.g. affordable health care, good-paying jobs, a clean environment, better schools for their children, and concerns about gun violence.

The Trumpites claim that the Democrats refuse to negotiate. The Democrats have negotiated. They have made an offer to finance border security, minus a wall, but the president will have none of it because he wants that bloody wall. He has not made any counter-offers in the way of a compromise; instead, he has made a demand, my way or the highway, and will keep the government shut down until he gets his way. This is not negotiation, folks; it is extortion, pure and simple.

Extortion is a felony in these United States and, if the president commits a felony, he is liable to impeachment because of “high crimes and misdemeanors”. The Chas has held back for some months, because the time was not right. But in his humble opinion, Trump crossed the line when he abruptly walked out of a meeting with the Democratic leaders, saying it was a “waste of time,” and threatened to bypass Congress by declaring a national emergency.

He must therefore be impeached and removed from office so that our country can resume a
modicum of rationality in its affairs.

Just a yuge thought.

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