ABATE helps motorcycle benefits

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May 3, 2020
Dear editor;

What is ABATE?

ABATE stands for A Brotherhood Aimed Towards Education (ABATE) and is the only nonprofit state organization in Illinois that has been dedicated to fighting for your rights for more than 25 years.

If you ride or you have family or friends who ride a motorcycle or off-road recreational vehicle, then you should join ABATE of Illinois. United we will stand and fight for your rights in the political arena of legislation. There are so many areas that need to be watched, such as medical insurance. Did you now that in some cases if you get injured on a motorcycle, your coverage rate can change? We are constantly being challenged on our right to wear a helmet or not. In Illinois you still can choose to wear a helmet or not.

By joining ABATE you help support our continuing struggle to keep things fair. You would receive a monthly paper from the State and communication from your local chapter. Both keep you well informed of all that is happening. The cost to join ABATE is minimal, $45 for a couple and $25 for a single person. By joining ABATE you are helping to fight for all of our rights. It does not mean you have to participate in any of the group functions, because it is your right to choose. The local chapters put on many great group runs and fundraising events for worthy causes.

Membership benefits include legal services, Downed Rider Program, membership patch, yearly patches, and a $3,000 insurance policy. For more information please contact Cliff on 630-552-3828.

Linda Oleson, Plano

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