Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming our society, impacting many aspects of our everyday lives. If you’d like to learn more about its capabilities, an upcoming Aurora Public Library District (APLD) program entitled, AI Playground: Experiment & Learn, will give a basic introduction to AI and provide the opportunity to test several generative tools. With this program we hope to de-mystify common misconceptions of AI and show attendees how to make it work for them.
The idea to offer this program was sparked by the increasing accessibility of AI programs. As a public library, we relish the opportunity to educate the community about trends and new advancements in technology. “I attended a talk offered by staff from the Toronto Public Library detailing their own AI education series,” said assistant manager of Digital Services, Elliot Witt. “I envision this AI Playground as the first step towards improving AI literacy for Aurora Public Library District customers, one which could open the door for other AI events in the future.”
This event seeks to empower participants with learning opportunities that showcase AI’s transformative potential in creative and practical applications. Attendees will be given the opportunity to create memes with ImgFlip, generate text with ChatGPT, explore artistic creations with ArtFlow, and experience audio synthesis with Suno. “If you are only familiar with AI through chatbots, you will be surprised by some of the other things that AI can do, especially in artistic media,” adds Witt. “I found one particular tool during research for this workshop that made my jaw drop!” This hands-on approach will empower you to better grasp the capabilities of AI and any potential uses in your own projects and interests. Besides trying out these fun, free, sites, we hope to encourage a discussion about the future of AI and its impact on society.
AI is here to stay and how we respond to it greatly depends on how much we know about it. With this program, Elliot Witt hopes to achieve two goals. “First of all, I want customers to have fun exploring generative AI.” said Witt. “Secondly, I hope to encourage customers to be thoughtful about AI’s role in society, now and in the future. What are the positives? What are the negatives? We’re going to have fun in this workshop, but that doesn’t mean that there couldn’t be potential drawbacks to these tools, and we’re going to touch on that aspect, too.”
AI Playground: Experiment & Learn will be held Tuesday, July 9 at 6 p.m. at the Eola Road Branch. Registration is required to attend. Please visit aurorapubliclibrary.org/event/10631356 or contact the library at 630-264-4117 to reserve your spot. To learn even more about AI, we recommend you check out our online resource, LinkedIn Learning Library, which is freely accessible using your APLD card. LinkedIn Learning Library is available on our website at www.aurorapubliclibrary.org/Databases.
We know that AI presents both immense opportunities and challenges. By exploring these tools in a supportive and educational environment, such as the Library, you will find your comfort level when using AI on your own.
Andrea Tiberi is the communications coordinator for the Aurora Public Library District.