Amazons: Alive And Well!

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I think it sensible, and long past due, to see
That female warriors, the Amazons, can be
Definitively acknowledged to be real, not myth,
Where actual remains show what we’re dealing with.
I guess it rests on how you view the female clan;
In many ways they are the equal to a man.
Accepting the vast burden carrying a child,
And then the brunt of raising it, perhaps beguiled
The men to mark themselves superior overall,
Which women then accepted as the better call,
For home, and hearth, and living standards, were their heart,
That women readily accepted from the start.
In stature, strength, (perhaps philosophy) man stood
Above them, but because the women thought they should.
Quite equal (if they wish) to men, in most respects,
The mechanism of today this view reflects!

© Richard Williams

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