American Dream in Aurora

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Aurora has been ranked one of the top cities in the country to live the American Dream.
In its annual study, SmartAsset, a personal finance company, uncovered the best places to live the American Dream by ranking the largest 257 cities in America. Aurora ranked No. 4. Aurora had been ranked highly previously.
To find the cities where the American Dream is still alive and well SmartAsset started with data of the 257 largest cities. The study compared diversity, inter-generational economic mobility, home-ownership rates, home values and unemployment rates, all important facts when considering the American Dream.
“It is difficult to come up with any one definition for the American Dream that every American will agree on,” said SmartAsset representatives. “For some, it means a white picket fence, a trimmed green lawn and 2½ children. For others, it means achieving your own personal goals and dreams, regardless of your background.”
For Aurorans, it means both of these and so much more.
“I was born here, raised here, became an attorney here and now serve as mayor of Aurora; I live the American Dream every day,” said mayor Richard Irvin. “This past year, I’ve met so many residents in every part of our city who share the same sentiments. We are fortunate to live in a diverse community where people of all walks of life have been able to turn their dreams into reality while inspiring others to do the same.”
Aurora was recognized as the most diverse community of the top 10 cities in the study.
Other cities in the top 10 include in order, first to 10th: West Valley City, Utah; Odessa, Texas; Midland, Texas; Aurora; Round Rock, Texas; Fort Worth, Texas; Aurora, Colo.; San Jose, Calif.; Amarillo, Texas; and Rochester, Minn.. The page can be seen by clicking here.

—City of Aurora

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