An attitude of gratitude and thank you important today

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Thank you!

An attitude of gratitude.

Seeing the best in the situation.

We acknowledge the dilemma we are in with the invisible virus virtually vital, at least in the image presented partially and fully in media reports. Nonetheless, help by health-care workers of all elements is around us and includes faithful first responders, and support staff individuals. The wonderful work to help solve the COVID-19 curse cannot be acknowledged often enough. Several cities’ residents have provided clapping in appreciation of health-care personnel from their dwellings and projecting the ovation to the outdoors to form a stereo effect.

It is easy to be fretful. It helps when we are grateful to those who surrender to a concept of assistance to the benefit of others. There are many willing beneficial members of society in addition to health-care workers. Think grocery stores employees, retail clerks, janitors, managers, and the list is formidable.

Thank you!

With caution we can pull through this situation. Several important points:

• We truly are all in this together. As a society we are inter-connected. We just realize it more today.

• Suddenly it is evident we are all day-to-day in a larger sense. It is front and center.

• Death from flu, natural causes, and accidents of all kinds continue to claim lives.

• Nonetheless, caution to preserve life must be a part of our daily process of washing hands and wiping.

• We see the world as smaller, with greater commonality, and a sense of unity.

• With more forced living at home there are ways of connecting with others by technology.

• There is a greater sense of genuine humor and a willingness to share in pleasantries.

• One of the jokes to offer levity: A first grader said the reason schools are closed is they are of toilet paper.

• Best wishes to us all. Life is precious. Now we have a greater sense of it.

Clear and concise, week 13:

• It is normality and not the repeated normalcy we hear and see in print with increased frequency.

• House is a noun and not a verb.

• Via, from the Latin by way of, or, through, is not necessary to use.

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