Another success Aurora Sunrise Rotary goal

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By Charlie Schmalz

In the Rotary Club of Aurora Sunrise’s 20th year of the Wine & Chocolate Extravaganza, the aim is to make it another success story. Our success depends on community participation. The theme this year is “Imagine Rotary”, which is the International theme for 2022-2023.

The Rotary Club of Aurora Sunrise is a vibrant example of Service Above Self with which our members volunteer in homeless shelters, food pantries, and youth groups, seeking to change lives. We support a Foreign Exchange Student Program every year. Students at West Aurora and East Aurora High Schools participate in a scholarship program. The students selected are granted $1,000 to the college or trade school of their choices.

The Stonebridge Country Club at 5:30 p.m. Saturday, March 25 will be the site and date of the Club’s Wine & Chocolate Extravaganza. Participants can enjoy wine, chocolate, appetizers, and a full sit-down dinner. We have a special drawing for all attendees, a game of Heads or Tails, and silent and live auctions to round out this night of fellowship.

There will be plenty of room. Community members should consider joining us! We offer sponsorship levels: Ambassador, Diplomat, and Envoy.

All tickets are $100 each. Sponsorships are available at, via the Givesmart auction platform, or, contact any member of our Club directly.

—Rotary Club of Aurora Sunrise

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