Here is a scam I just encountered. I got an E-mail from an address claiming to be from the government. It said that I need to verify my unemployment in order to begin receiving checks to help me through these hard-economic times. Because I am still working and have not applied for any assistance, I wanted to see what it was about. It was just a few simple questions: Name, last four of my social security number, birth date, and bank routing and account numbers where the money should be deposited. Just a heads up for those who might be desperate: Don’t send out the information!
Grandpa says: Wow! Who wrote the book “Scamming for Idiots”? That is a very obvious scam, but then, the simplest tricks seem to work the best. Thank you for the heads up.
A lady came to my door claiming to be from the health department. She said she needed to check me for COVID-19. She wanted to take my temperature and ask a few questions. She told me that it was reported that I had contact with a person who later was diagnosed as positive. When I asked her for proof that she is from the health department she showed me a laminated ID card with the State seal printed on the card. I still did not believe her and told her to go away. She threatened that if I do not cooperate, I could be arrested. I told her then she can have me arrested. I never heard back. I suspected a scam and I guess I was right. Please warn your readers about this scam. I do not know what her angle was, I just didn’t trust her.
Grandpa says: When in doubt, don’t. If a legitimate police officer comes to your door with her, there may be some veracity to what she says. Until that happens, you can have yourself checked by known medical professionals. No judge in the land would convict you for being careful with your personal information. This is a very stressful time for everyone and scammers will play on that stress. Grandpa is glad you could smell a rat before it bit.
What does COVID-19 stand for? Is it an acronym or the Latin name for the germ?
Grandpa says: It is not quite an acronym; it is merely a shortcut word meaning Corona Virus Identification Date 2019. It is named for the year 2019, the year it was first diagnosed.
I believe that politicians are playing politics with this virus stuff. They are taking advantage of their power to control us. They are teaching us that the government is always right and the common people must obey all sorts of silly orders in order to have any sort of freedoms. I think they are reporting everything as being corona related even if it isn’t. I love my country, but I do not trust my government!
Grandpa says: Would it be any different if it were not a virus but some other catastrophe? Study the book of Revelation.
Got something stuck in your craw? Ask Grandpa. Address your letters to Ask Grandpa c/o The Voice, PO Box 123,
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