Ask Grandpa: Good advice offered to help in the kitchen

Ask Grandpa
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Can you settle an argument between my husband’s mother and me? She is telling me for a good old-fashioned Thanksgiving, the turkey should be cooked with the stuffing inside the bird. I say it is not healthy to do that. I am not sure why it is unhealthy, but I hear on the television ads not to do it. It is my house and I think I am responsible for the health of my guests. What should I tell her?

Grandpa says: Tell her that both of you are being petty and childish. The reason we are advised to not cook the stuffing in the bird is the potential for cross contamination and/or under-cooking the food inside. The center of the food needs to reach as much as 185 degrees Fahrenheit to be sure it is cooked thoroughly. Originally the stuffing was cooked in bird as both a decorative dish as well as saving the number of dishes to be washed. When cooks became more harried and tried to fudge on the time, many became lax in the safety department. It is as simple as that. Once understood, you can both try looking at things from the other’s perspective. It is mind boggling to think you both are so solipsistic as to let a little thing like this widen a rift between you. With the new year entering, Grandpa suggests you both adopt a new mantra; SIT. It means “Be Safe, Be Informed, Be Tolerant.” Grandpa bids you peace.

I am planning to spend the Winter months learning how to put up jellies. I read that we need to boil the jelly jars after they are filled and before the final ring is put on them. It would be faster to microwave the jars. Would that hurt the gelling process? What do you recommend?

Grandpa says: There are multiple problems with the idea of microwaving your jellies. The chemistry of cooking involves both time and temperature. The chemical reactions between various ingredients, such as sugars and acids or pectin and water, cannot be hurried. Microwaving does not do a completely even heating because it is needed to kill the potential bacteria that would cause food born illnesses. And the jars need to have the metal caps in place when heating. I have yet to find a microwave oven tolerant of those metal caps. I am sending to you some of my favorite recipes for jellies. Welcome to the wonderful world of home preserves. I am sure you will enjoy the hobby.

Grandpa says: Beloved Readers, with the new year rolling in tonight, I pray that you will use good sense when celebrating. The year 2021 will be a banner year, but only for those who survive the celebration. Please celebrate responsibly. A Great Big thank you to all of the police, fire, and emergency personnel who are working tonight to help keep us safe.

Let us resolve that the new year will bring renewed hope and take us one year closer to peace among us. Remember, all lives matter. May the New Year shower love and prosperity.

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