Ask Grandpa: Help given to clean out the computer

Ask Grandpa
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I was looking at various race horses on the internet. I typed in (Grandpa won’t say) to look at some older stud horses. I was very angry when I got locked into an ad for (a men’s personal product). This stuff is for human use and has nothing to do with retired race horses. Now when I go back to the site about horses, this ad or similar type ads, show up on my screen immediately. Can you tell me how to get this out of my computer? I can’t find anything in the help section or on line to tell me what to do.
Grandpa says; One member of my staff had some sort of explanation of how to do it. I don’t understand the techno-jargon. My staff person tried to contact you through the info you gave in your letter. To date the member has not gotten a response. My best suggestion would be to take it to an independent computer pro. I am not fond of the big box stores because you rarely get the same level of personal service as you do with a community merchant.
There are many good pros in our area. Expect to pay about $75. to clean your computer. Well, that is what I paid last time I went to one. I have to say that my system is now operating at top-notch performance. This pro put in a pop-up blocker for me. Another option is to just click the ad off your screen and go on. I, too, hate the commercial pop-ups. I have written to various advertisers who use pop-ups, to express my frustration. It has not reduced the irritating ads. It has given me some venue to vent without violence. I bid you peace.
I have a half-sister I never have met. My mother left my father when I was small. Neither ever made any effort to contact the other. Both moved on and married other individuals and had children with the new mates. Recently, my birth father passed away. I am still in college, so I applied for social security survivors’ benefits to help me with college costs, which is fine. But now my half-sister has applied. This has cut my allotment. I say that since she had the benefit of my father supporting her all of his life, she should back off and let me get the college money. Before I reach out to tell her, I want your opinion.
Grandpa says: Man up. Think like a big brother should think. Did your little sister trick your father into leaving your mom and you? Did she somehow manipulate Dad into conceiving her? If you have never met her, how can you suppose that her life with your dad was so good? Doesn’t she deserve that same education you want? Use this opportunity to connect with your blood relations, not to hurt them. You would be surprised to learn how nice family can be to have around. Send an olive branch to her.
Got something stuck in your craw? Ask Grandpa. Address your letters to Ask Grandpa c/o The Voice, 314 N. Lake Street, Suite 2, Aurora, IL 60506 or send an E-mail to

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