Ask Grandpa: Many scams require true vigilance

Ask Grandpa
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Grandpa says: To all the moms in our readership area, Happy Mother’s Day! To everyone in our readership area, this is a hint: Mother’s Day is Sunday. Don’t let her down.
I got flagged down by a fellow who told me that he could see oil dripping from under my car. He said he has a repair shop not far away and he could check it for free. I was to follow him there for my free inspection. I did not live 70-plus years by being a fool. If I followed him I could be robbed at gun point or be given a song and dance about how much it would cost to fix this terrible problem. Either way, I wasn’t going. So, I told him to lead on, then I ditched the cad. Please tell other readers not to fall for it.
I want to tell you about a scam that came to me over the telephone. A lady called me and gave me a sob story about how her daughter is a (member of a girls’ club; Grandpa won’t mention names, but you should know who I mean). She said that her daughter is abused by other girls so she wants to sell a lot of cookies to get some respect. The lady said she will sell the coolies at 25% off if I buy 10 boxes or more. All she needed was my credit card info and the info of where to drop off the cookies. I told her that I don’t do business that way and hung up. Please spread the word about this scam. I don’t honestly believe the story the lady gave me.
I have a wonderful grandson. He is 19 years old and spends lots of time with me. Last weekend we were shopping for flowers for my living room. I got a phone call from a young man who said he was a friend of my grandson. He said that my grandson was sitting in jail for shoplifting at the mall. They wanted my help to put up some bond money. They wondered if I could come up with $500.. This kid even told me the bond is $2,000 and they have gotten the rest from his pool of friends. Because (grandson) was right here with me, I knew it was a lie. I said, “Let the little b….rd rot in prison,” and I hung up. It is just terrible the way some try to use the love one has for a family member just to steal money.
Grandpa says; Everyone of you did exactly the right thing. You stopped them from getting you emotionally involved in their lies. As for the girl’s club above, they confirmed that they do take advance orders and do face to face sales. Back when I was no taller than my own Grandpa’s car tire, he told me to always trust a man who would shake your hand, until he gave cause not to. Those words were valid in a simpler world. Today they are not.
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