Ask Grandpa: Online school work to secret account

Ask Grandpa
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I am a maternity nurse. Several of us have been looking at the stay at home order differently than most. We are planning to be very busy between Thanksgiving 2020 and Valentine’s Day 2021. So much for the six-foot rule in social distancing.

Grandpa says: Thank you. My staff members and I needed a good chuckle.

My children, as all the neighborhood children, must do their school work online. I get that. Where the rub comes in is the Internet’s speed. No matter what time of day they log on, the Internet is jammed. The system just cannot handle the volume of traffic. I have had to go to the school and explain to the teachers that the kids did do their assignments and did send them, therefore it is not the kids’ fault if the teacher did not receive the work. Teachers must be getting tired of it. What do you suggest?

Grandpa says: I am not as computer-savvy as most school children, so I hesitate to suggest a simple solution. I would have the pupils hit the print screen button and print out the work so that when you get a summons to the classroom, you can carry in the hard copies.

It is sad to see how rude some are becoming. I live in (a small town in the Fox River Valley). There was a time when I could walk into the grocery store and say hello to several of the other (shoppers) and give and receive smiles and well wishes. So much of that has fallen by the wayside. Now they glare you down if they think you are getting too close. Folks rush to get to a place first so that they don’t have to wait behind others. Our church meets outdoors on the church lawn so that we are not sitting too closely to one another, and it is the same as inside the grocery store; many are becoming blatantly rude. I read in scriptures where the Beast of Revelation will come from the East. The virus came from the East. Do you get my drift?

Grandpa says: I get the drift. The Anti-Christ is not a virus. The Anti-Christ will use trickery and deceit to achieve goals. Use your time at home to study the books of Daniel and Revelation. A personal observation, no matter where you live, there is always someone living to your East. Hence, who can say from where the Beast will come? Let me know what your studies show you.

My granddaughter told me that her father, my son, has a secret bank account, about which his wife knows nothing. My granddaughter only found out when he stopped to make a deposit at the drive-up window. She told me that he was very emphatic that she is to say nothing to her mother. Why would he be putting secret money away unless he is up to no good?

Grandpa says: He might be saving up to buy a gift for his wife and/or family. When it becomes your business, he’ll tell you.

Got something stuck in your craw? Ask Grandpa. Address your letters to Ask Grandpa c/o The Voice, PO Box 123,
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