Did you ever notice that when a black lawman kills a white man, nobody riots? (The rest of this letter was deleted by Grandpa because of the antagonistic undertones.)
Grandpa says: The riots year over the shooting of a teenager by a police officer were a scar the Nation did not need. It was not a matter of racial inequality. After being locked down as a Nation for four months or so this year, many individuals were already at the point of civil unrest. Mr. George Floyd’s death was an excuse to break loose. It is not to say that Mr. Floyd’s death was not tragic. Humans only can be bottled up for so long. Humans were designed and created to be social, to be free, and to be creative. Take away the freedom, take away the sociality, and you reverse creativity. Man destroys what man hates and fears. Man looks for reasons to act unreasonably. At that point, far too many Americans of every label had been confined by the government’s response to the pandemic, by the extended Winter-like weather, and by the shear numbers of individuals out of work. It was a social fire bomb and the death of Mr. Floyd was the spark that lit the fuse. It is time now for us to heal.
I consulted with my priest on this already. I just want to get some further advice. I am a divorced man sharing an apartment with two other men. I am the only one with children. We get along well and have no issues, that is, until recently. One of my roommates had been gone for the weekend. When he came back, my other room mate gave him a hug and a kiss! It was a gross display! They must be gay to greet each other like that. Now I cannot safely bring my children here because gay men molest children. Father (name withheld) agrees with me and tells me I need to move out immediately. I think that I should have the right to keep the apartment as I am not the one who sinned against God, The Holy Mother, and all the Saints. Don’t you agree?
Grandpa says: Nope. First you are creating a label based on a truly Christian act. Ask your priest if he has ever bothered to read the New Testament; the same testament wherein we read “call no man ‘Father’”. Matt 23:9. Look up Romans 16:16, 1 Cor 16:20, 2 Cor 13:12, 1 Th 5:26 and 1 Peter 5:14. And how is God’s salvation described in Psalm 85:10? I hesitate to mention Proverbs 24:26 because I have a habit of giving the right answer. It’s OK to look it up in order to understand what I am saying. As to your statement about the safety of your children, get your facts right. You have no concept of what you speak. It all boils down to this: If you are not happy with your living arrangement, you need to be the one who leaves. Period. End of discussion.
Got something stuck in your craw? Ask Grandpa. Address your letters to Ask Grandpa c/o The Voice, PO Box 123,
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