Ask Grandpa: Pandemic ripple effects cause of problems

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Editor’s note: Recently in The Voice, the announcement was made of the death of the conductor of the column, Ask Grandpa, which provided readers with 503 weeks of sage advice, humor, and continuity. Below is the repeat of the January 28, 2021 column. The Voice will continue to offer previous columns. We invite special requests of previous columns.

At my bank, there is a very pretty young teller about my age. I see she does not wear a ring, so I am sure that she is not attached. I go to her window every chance I get to visit the bank. I have asked her on more than one occasion if she would like to go out with me. She has told me no every time I ask. Now she has taken to not being at her window when I go in. How can I get her attention?

Grandpa says: Are you stupid? You already have her attention; that is why she leaves her window when you approach. If she were the slightest bit interested, she would still refuse your advances. Think about the security aspect of her job. Don’t you watch any shows such as The FBI Files? How easy would it be for a bank employee to be taken hostage by a purported suitor whose real goal is to rob the bank? Grandpa suggests that you stop stalking that lady and move your account to a different bank. If you are looking for a nice lady to date, try spending more time at church functions, or social clubs.

I think my employer is getting very cheap and using the pandemic as an excuse to screw us out of perks we used to have. Last Summer they canceled the company picnic. Instead, we were given a lunch catered-in, but our families were not invited. For Christmas, it was announced that there will be no party, just the same cheap dodge; no party, no families, just lunch. I don’t dare complain because I need my job, but I think it (is a rip-off).

Grandpa says: Does your employer give you a paycheck for the hours you worked? That is all that you are actually entitled to receive. Anything else is a gift, not an obligation. Tell me, when you were a child, did you kick Santa if you didn’t get enough toys?

I understand the pandemic is dangerous and has to be stopped. I understand that we need to do all the protective stuff to stay healthy. That is fine. I have a problem with my daughter and her husband making the kids wear the face masks at home. The masks come off only for personal grooming and eating. They even have to sleep with the masks on. The family no longer sits at the table to eat. Each uses a folding table and stays six feet away from each other. I think that is just carrying things way too far. What do you think?

Grandpa says: Personally, I think it is none of my business how adults run their own home. If you have a problem with how your daughter and her husband raise their children as they think best, you can do one of two things. You can sit and have a conversation wherein you do more listening than talking, or judging. Try to understand the logic behind their decision. Or, you can mind your own business. It is your choice

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