I thought of you yesterday when I won my County Assessment Complaint. The administrative panel was organized, did its research in advance, and most importantly, gave its decision at the conclusion of the hearing. The panel members were taking seriously my concerns. I can now let go my grudge on various other injustices that I have seen in my dealings with other local government agencies. I am grateful for freedom of the press. We gain the knowledge to join voting forces with like-minded citizens. We can vote bad government officials out of office.
Grandpa says: Your letter arrived too late to be able to be printed in the November 2019 Gratitude issue, yet it is never too late to express gratitude for our blessings. Thank you for your letter! I agree with you about the power of the press in helping people join forces to understand issues and form alliances toward social improvements. I am sorry to have had to edit out the majority of your letter. Grandpa does not publish information that might identify an individual. Sadly, you had much information that would identify you based on previous letters to Grandpa as well as letters to the editor. Please continue to express your thoughts through these media! Your voice counts! I bid you peace.
I have a great job and am lucky to have gotten it. My employer does not want my co-workers to know that I am on probation. When my P.O. comes to visit, I have to leave the production floor and meet with her in the office. I am not allowed to leave the plant at break times. I have no problem with these rules. My problem is that I keep getting invited by co-workers to join them at a nearby sandwich shop for lunch. I can’t tell them that my P.O. won’t allow it. I am running out of excuses to not go.
Grandpa says: I never advocate lying to anyone. It is not a lie to tell your co-workers that you have personal reasons for wanting to eat a balanced lunch that you bring from home. When pressed for details, iterate that the reasons are personal. Thank your friends for caring and express that you enjoy their company, if that is true, but that you must not violate your personal goals. They need not know that your goal is to successfully complete your probation.
I am asking that you please print this letter. If I send it to the letters to the editor, it requires will want my name and town. I do not want my neighbors to know that I am backing (a particular candidate in the upcoming primaries). (The rest of the letter has been deleted by Grandpa.)
Grandpa says: You have two options; 1) Have no shame about voicing your opinions, or 2) Place a paid anonymous ad in The Voice newspaper. Grandpa does not endorse any product, candidate or political position. Grandpa does not allow this column to be used as an advertising media. If you choose to endorse a candidate, why must you hide that from your neighbors?
Got something stuck in your craw? Ask Grandpa. Address your letters to Ask Grandpa c/o The Voice, PO Box 123, Aurora, IL 60507 or send an E-mail to askgrandpa@thevoice.us.