Ask Grandpa: Personal life none of your business

Ask Grandpa
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One of the sales women in our company just came back after being off for two weeks. She never told any of us that she was scheduled for vacation time. She just wasn’t here one day. The supervisor only said she was on vacation. Now that she is back she won’t tell us anything about why she took time off. Some of us think she was in a rehab program. Others think she is having marital problems. It has even been suggested that she had an abortion. She just won’t tell us why she was gone. It has to have been something embarrassing or she should have told us. I think it is domestic problems because she never talks about her home life.
Grandpa says; I cut your letter short because the rest is just speculation. Possibly she does not talk to you about her personal life because it is none of your business. You are a bunch of gossip-magpies.
I got a phone call from someone who claimed to be from (a park district). She told me that my son (the caller knew his name) had applied to play little league baseball. This lady told me that he has been approved, but she needs my checking account information to pay the enrollment fee. I told her to mail me a bill. I still have not gotten it. I called the park district and they told me that they do not operate that way. Please warn your readers of this scam.
Grandpa says; Smart move on your part! I hope you reported it to your police department. Readers, please beware of this scam!
Before his death, my husband was retired from the fire department. He has been gone (a number of) years. I still have all his old memorabilia; hats, uniforms, badge, boots, and the like. I even have an old axe. My children want various things from the collection, but I think it should stay together or it will get lost. We do not have a fire museum or a functioning historical society in our small town. Do you have any suggestions?
Grandpa says; Thank you for including photos with your letter. My team members did some checking with State and county fire officials. The Illinois Fire Marshall has a Fire Museum on the state Fair Grounds in Springfield. It is housed in a fire house built in 1938 and is open to the public by appointment. It is open during the State Fair. Aurora has a regional fire museum. I have sent you contact information. I suggest you talk to your grown children about memorializing their father by donating his equipment to a museum. It is a fitting tribute to your husband.
Grandpa says; Beloved readers, Wednesday will the Fourth of July. Please remember that certain fireworks are illegal because they are unsafe. Please don’t risk accident or injury and please celebrate responsibly. Our founding fathers won our freedom while sober. Let us all celebrate that freedom in the same state of sobriety. God bless all Americans.
Got something stuck in your craw? Ask Grandpa. Address your letters to Ask Grandpa c/o The Voice, 314 N. Lake Street, Suite 2, Aurora, IL 60506 or send an E-mail to

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