Ask Grandpa: Reactions: Marshal law assessment, lying

Ask Grandpa
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We, as a nation, are going to feel the impact of this corona virus nonsense for generations to come. Our country will never be the same again. Our generation has felt the vice-grip of marshal law imposed on us during peace time. The sad part of it all is that we not only accepted it, we embraced it. I would strongly urge every voter to vote against every incumbent.

Grandpa says: I struggled with how I was going to deal with your letter. Every writer has the right to be heard. On the other hand, this column does not deal in the political issues du jour. I took the liberty to edit out specific names, theories, and the title and author of the book you mentioned. My advice to you is to write the same letter and send it to the editor. You have every right to express yourself, so long as you use the proper venue. Do not let anyone silence you. A personal note, Grandpa strongly agrees with your statement that “our country will never be the same again”. No event of such magnitude can occur without some social changes being made. Change is not always a bad thing. Americans can pull together for the common good under any circumstances, even a world-wide pandemic. Personally, I am proud of the positive ways people have worked together to get us through Spring 2020. I ask my beloved readers to write telling about positive experiences they encountered during the height of the pandemic. Share how neighbor helped neighbor. It will help us heal as a community. I bid you peace and love.

My girlfriend is a consummate liar. She does not even try to be honest about the stories she tells. I don’t know why she lies, but I do not want to marry her solely on her history of lying. And her lies are always dramatic. Example; She can’t just say she was late because she overslept. There had to be a big traffic accident that blocked the road. She has told me several times that she wants to be my wife. Other than the lying, she would make a very good wife.

Grandpa says: I think you have a bit of the dishonesty in you, too. You won’t commit to her because of her tall tales, but you stick around for the other benefits. How nice for you. Next time she tells you that she wants to be your wife, ask her if that is just another one of her lies. Then let her know you will not continue the relationship with a woman you cannot trust. Hold true to your word. Just calling her out on her lies will not be enough. There is no such thing as a harmless lie. Not even from you. Every day that you remain in that relationship, you are lying and using her for what you can gain. That is stealing. You are robbing her as well as yourself. You are robbing yourself of the opportunity to meet someone else. I bid you peace.

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