Ask Grandpa: Special message clear to Iowa inmate

Ask Grandpa
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Grandpa says; Confidential to Iowa Inmate #—–64; I refuse to put into print your letter to me. The Voice is a family newspaper. We do not inflict your filthy language on our readership. Yes, you do have the right to be heard. And I have the right to be heard. Difference is that you don’t have a newspaper column.
I have the right to refuse to co-sign your bigotry, self-centered deviancies, vulgarities, and general hatred. You want to be heard in public media? Then get on a social media. Oh? You can’t! It isn’t allowed in the prison system because of individuals like you.
No, the State did not take away your rights. You threw them away when you chose to victimize those elderly persons. Don’t blame the drugs, either, because you chose to put that stuff into your body. You used it to give yourself the artificial backbone to do the unthinkable. That makes you a real man, doesn’t it? You cannot tell me that your bigotry had nothing to do with your crime. And you are wrong, Caucasians are not the only bigots. Remember this: Your rights end where another person’s begin. Nor will I be bated into sending your letter to Internal Affairs. They read all of your outgoing mail as it is. They know who you are and what you are into. So, tell your relative in the Fox Valley that I will not interview her about your so called “miscarriage of justice”.
You said in your column not long ago that you have a working knowledge of (several) religions. I hope you can help me with a problem I have with a tenant. She speaks little English and I find it hard to communicate with her. I want to explain to her that it is wrong to feed the rats in the street. Her interpreter tells me that the rats have the reincarnated souls of their dead ancestors. For this reason, they must be fed and nurtured. Please tell me how I can tactfully get it across to her that rats carry germs and are a menace to humanity. In all other aspects, she is a wonderful tenant and a good- hearted person. I don’t want to have to resort to the law to make her stop feeding the rats.
Grandpa says; This situation is not going to be an easy fix for you. I am familiar with the faith she practices. It sounds like you have tried using Western logic with her. Forget the logic of the Western Hemisphere. Sit down with her. Listen to what she has to say, not just about the rats. Listen to what she tells you. Ask questions for clarification. Never challenge her. Allow her to teach you. Learn to think as she thinks. Only then can you ask her what other ways she can show respect to her ancestry without violating Western man’s law about feeding the rats. She will give you the answer when she trusts you. It could be something as simple as putting up a small shrine in the yard.
Got something stuck in your craw? Ask Grandpa. Address your letters to Ask Grandpa c/o The Voice, 314 N. Lake Street, Suite 2, Aurora, IL 60506 or send an E-mail to

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