Aurora has given the green light to an odd kind of parade, a procession of homosexuals and identity disordered individuals celebrating their pride. Just what are such persons proud of…of sodomy, of fisting, of glory holes, of golden showers, of daisy chains, of rimming, which ultimately involves eating fecal material, of bug-chasing? Who but a person with a severe personality problem would deliberately infect himself with AIDS (bug-chasing)? The last time I looked at the statistics, male homosexuals had a life expectancy of 42 years. Is that a source of pride? How about invading a Catholic Church and throwing condoms around during Mass? How about deliberately infecting a healthy person with AIDS to increase government spending on medical research to cure the disease? How about infiltrating the Catholic priesthood and using it as a cover for sexually abusing boys? What about homosexuals being over-represented among serial killers such as John Wayne Gacy and Jeffrey Dahmer? Normal persons do not engage in such pride parades. Smokers, whose life expectancy exceeds that of homosexuals, do not organize parades to celebrate their addiction, and neither do alcoholics. How sad that the residents of Aurora are forced to endure such embarrassment and humiliation.
Grandpa says: Thank you for pointing out the medical and sociological points of your argument. Most of the mail I have received on this topic has been based on ignorance, hysteria, religion, and hate. One can love the person and still hate the act. That is, I believe, what Jesus was teaching. Grandpa does not condone child abuse, interrupting religious services of any kind, social misconduct, or hatred toward any group. It is a well-documented fact that sexual abuse of any kind is not about the sexuality of the perpetrator. It is about issues of power and control over weaker individuals. Most rapists and child-molesters are not homosexuals.
I am never again going to vote for anyone who is in office in Aurora! They allow those (deleted) to parade in our town, they will not open City Council meeting with a proper prayer to the Rosary, and they are a disgrace to all God-fearing people in our country. Aurora is the only city in the Fox Valley to hold homosexuals in great esteem. I am going to sell my house and move out of town. (Deleted) Aurora!
Grandpa says: I believe you have some very strong opinions and deep issues. Your anger is, possibly, deeper than your political views on the issue of the Pride Parade. Please consider talking with your priest.
Pride means never having to apologize for being who you are. I wish my family could just accept the fact that I am who I am. I am not out to hurt anyone. But neither do I want to be discriminated against because of my lifestyle. I simply will not apologize for being me.
Grandpa says:
Grandpa invites letters from all points of view so long as there are no personal attacks on individuals. Please, readers, use your voice to share your concerns. My address is below.
Got something stuck in your craw? Ask Grandpa. Address your letters to Ask Grandpa c/o The Voice, PO Box 123, Aurora, IL 60507 or send an E-mail to