Aurora Area Retired Teachers Association will resume in-person meetings Tuesday, June 1

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Dick Schindel, AARTA president, said “We are planning our June 1 luncheon to be in person at Gaslite Manor, 2485 Church Road in Aurora. We will adhere to all of the State and IDPH (Illinois Department of Public Health) guidelines, allowing only four to six people per table and requiring masks when not eating.”

A picnic buffet served by Gaslite staff members will include fried chicken, brats, salads, baked beans, corn on the cob, macaroni and cheese plus dessert.

Entertainment will be provided by Hix Brothers’ ukuleles. Lunch is $20.

In an annual Warm Fuzzies drive, lap blankets homemade by members will be collected. Volunteer blanketeers will distribute blankets to six area nursing homes after the luncheon. Past blanket drives have yielded more than 100 blankets annually.

A book exchange will be conducted by Mary Hauge. Members are invited to bring up to six adult or children’s books. Books that don’t find new owners will be donated to Big Rock Library.

Author Jo Fredell Higgins will sell her three children’s books, “Patsy the Panda,” “Therese the Tiger” and “Esther the Eagle.” Books are $10. Higgins retired from Waubonsee Community College as manager of WCC’s Adult Literacy Project. She earned her M.S. Ed from NIU.

AARTA suspended in-person meetings due to the pandemic. Schindel reported that four drive-through luncheons raised $8,630 shared by Marie Wilkinson and Aurora Area Interfaith food pantries. Schindel said 60% of money earned from serving 456 carry-out meals came from member donations.

Founded in 1958, AARTA includes 364 members from Aurora area school districts. General luncheon meetings are held at 11:30 a.m. on the first Tuesday of February, April, June, October, and December at Gaslite Manor, 2485 Church Road in Aurora. Prospective members are welcome

For more information, call 630-921-1307 or visit

— Aurora Area Retired Teachers Association

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