Seth Arndt, an Aurora Boy Scout, is collecting 500 shoes for his Eagle award.
Arndt is a member of BSA Blackhawk Troop 11 at Wesley United Methodist Church in Aurora. “Give shoes, give love” is his drive’s theme.
Arndt invites the public to donate new and gently used shoes by Feb. 7. A donation box is in the church lobby at 14 N. May St. in Aurora.
Arndt writes in a church email,
“I am partnering with Soles 4 Souls, a non-profit organization. My goal is to collect 500 shoes during the drive through Feb. 7. Your unwanted shoes will be turned into opportunities, keeping them from going to waste in landfills and putting them to good use, providing relief, creating jobs and empowering people to break the cycle of poverty.
“Please support me in seeking shoe donations from your house and nearby family and friends. We will accept all shoe styles, sizes, and types of shoes, as long as they have some life left in them. No holes, No mold.”
The shoes, Arndt said, will be used to help women in developing nations to start and sustain small businesses.
For more information, call (630) 896-1033 or e-mail
Troop 11 is chartered by Roosevelt-Aurora American Legion Post 84 and has been active in the community for over 100 years. Since it’s founding in 1916, Troop 11 has guided over 200 young men on their journey to earn the rank of Eagle.
Troop 11 is a “boy-run” troop, focusing on developing leadership by giving scouts responsibility for managing their activities. The scouting program is designed for youth from 11 to 17 years old or are at least 10 years old and have completed the fifth grade or have earned the Cub Scout Arrow of Light Award.
Troop 11 meets on Monday evenings at 7 p.m. at Wesley. For more information, email
—Al Benson