Members and guests from three Aurora-area Lions clubs were briefed on Aurora Police Department operations from the top cop Thursday, Aug. 17.

Chief Keith Cross was the presenter for the Aurora Noon Lions Club, Carillon Lions Club of Aurora, and Aurora Evening Lions Club. Noon Lions President Susan Koepke coordinated the joint evening meeting which replaced a bi-weekly luncheon meeting at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Aurora.
In a 45-minute presentation, Cross outlined APD goals and challenges. He said goals for 2023 are reducing violent crime and increasing community engagement.
“Public safety,” he said, “is a responsibility for all of us.” He expressed appreciation to the Lions for their support.
He announced the procurement of Sadie Mae, the department’s first bloodhound, which will be used to track scents.
Recruiting and retaining patrol officers is an ongoing challenge Cross said. Aurora, like departments nationwide, are losing patrol officers due to retirements, job stress, and declining applications.
A pizza dinner concluded the program.
—Al Benson