Aurora City Council appoints two

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By Jason Crane

At the Aurora city government City Council meeting Tuesday, through the Zoom video conference platform, the City Council approved the following agenda items:

• Approved was a resolution authorizing a lease agreement in the not to exceed amount of $46,500.00 with Nadler Golf Car Sales Inc. for the use of 61 “2021 Model Tempo EFI” GPS equipped gasoline powered golf carts at Phillips Park Golf Course.

• Approved was a resolution authorizing the execution of a first amendment to the redevelopment agreement previously entered into between the city government of Aurora and JH Real Estate Partners, LLC.

The Hobbs Building, one of the most iconic and historically significant buildings in Aurora, was approved 18 months ago for redevelopment. The city government agreed to donate the building to JH Real Estate Partners, LLC.

• Approved was a resolution Appointing Valencia Gidron to “Sustainable Aurora” (the mayor’s Sustainable Aurora Advisory Board).

• Approved was a resolution Appointing Nafisa Husain to the Aurora Human Relations Commission.

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