The purchase of automated external defibrillator (AED) for the Aurora Police Department and the Fire Department, the acceptance of plans for a 275,000-square-foot speculative office-warehouse building at Mitchell Road and I-88, and a liquor license approval for Jefa Tacos on Butterfield Road, all were forwarded to the Aurora City Council’s July 10 consent agenda during the Aurora government’s July 3 Committee of the Whole (COW) meeting.
The AEDs, four years of maintenance and three training AED units, will be purchased from Second Chance Cardiac Solutions of Yorkville over two years, if approved by the City Council.
First responders from both the Police and Fire Departments will use the devices, and the Aurora Fire Department will distribute and monitor the AEDs in all city government buildings. The devices, to be used in the event someone is showing signs of a heart attack, may be used by first responders, or members of the public.
The city government owns several brands of AEDs, some of which have been recalled.
Second Chance Cardiac Solutions will provide trade-in credit for the old equipment, 73 total units, when they are replaced. Total trade-in credit for 73 units, over two years, is $10,300, or $141.10 per unit. The total cost of the devices is $94,031.25 with a net cost after trade-in of $83,731.25.
Council members passed along an ordinance to establish a special use planned development at the northeast corner of I-88 and Mitchell Road that will be incorporated under the existing West Corporate Center. The parcel is vacant, but the plan by the Pizzuti Companies is to construct a speculative office, warehouse, and distribution building with a 238-space parking lot. The offices are to be on the south side of the building facing I-88 and the docks and 49 trailer parking spaces are to be on the north side of the building along the newly-extended Corporate Boulevard.
A detention facility is to be built to serve the entire subdivision.
The Government Operations Committee recommended the approval of a beer-wine liquor license for Jefa Tacos, for 1555 Butterfield Road, #107.