Aurora Downtown 2020 Board Elections

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Aurora Downtown, a nonprofit of downtown business and property owners, announced its annual board election process has started for 2020. Nomination forms are due by August 24.

The downtown organization oversees Special Service Area (SSA) #One with a 22-member board. Currently, five at-large seats are up for reelection.

At-large board member terms are three years, and candidates must either be a property owner, a business owner, or manager, or have a particular knowledge, training, or experience which would aid in development.

Board members are expected to attend board meetings and sit on one of the organization’s handful of committees.

Interested candidates must be nominated by a property owner in SSA #One. The board meets monthly at 8 a.m. on the third Thursday.

The mission of Aurora Downtown is dedication to a healthy and thriving downtown.

Nomination forms are available in English and Spanish online at

—Aurora Downtown

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