Start your engine and wave goodbye to APLD (Aurora Public Library District) in your rearview mirror. It’s time to take a road trip! Your destination: The Library!
This month we are encouraging you to visit different libraries where you can learn new things, meet new people, and see new sights. As an incentive to visit the local libraries of our neighboring communities, the Aurora Public Library District is participating in this year’s Library Road Trip through Tuesday, April 30.
There’s a thrill in exploring new places, even if they are close by! The Library Road Trip is an incentivized program among 17 northern Illinois libraries that encourages folks to learn about their neighboring communities by visiting their library. “This is the first year that the Aurora Public Library District is participating in the Library Road Trip, though this is the second year for some libraries in Illinois,” said event and program coordinator, Ali Lanthrum. In 2023, more than 6,000 participants embarked on journeys to learn more about the towns around them. As you travel, you might find hidden gems such as a charming bookstore, a quirky restaurant, or a beautiful hiking trail you never knew existed. Every community has its unique character, history, and culture. All participating libraries are excited about the opportunity to meet and engage with this year’s roadtrippers!
To begin your quest you’ll need a Library Road Trip Passport from your home library. APLD has passports available at each location, including the Bookmobile. Bring your passport with you as you hit the road toward your first library (your pick!). At each stop on your Library Road Trip, you will receive a stamp in your passport and a small souvenir. Then you are free to explore the library and the community! My kids and I participated last year and discovered new playgrounds, shared library stories with friendly employees, and met library pets! The Library Road Trip is a great inspiration for Spring travel, and you never know what kind of adventures you will encounter.
The wonderful thing about the Library Road Trip is that it is as long as you make it! You choose how many libraries you want to visit and most importantly, you do not have to visit the libraries all in one day. You have through Tuesday, April 30 to visit as many libraries as you’d like and return your stamped passport to your home library where your name will be entered into a drawing for a grand prize basket. The grand prize baskets each contain APLD swag items such as a thermos, straw cup, portable speaker, flash drive bracelet, and a variety of other goodies. The more library stamps you have on your passport, the more chances you have to win a grand-prize basket! One grand prize basket winner will be drawn from the participants at each APLD location, including the Bookmobile. Though the real prize is making memories along the way, a library branded coffee mug is good too!
For a list of participating libraries and program details, visit www.aurorapubliclibrary.org/featured, or contact the Library at 630-264-4117. During your trip, use the hashtag #libraryroadtrip2024 when posting on social media so we can see your adventures! Safe travels!
Andrea Tiberi is the communications coordinator for the Aurora Public Library District.