Aurora Lions new members

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Aurora Lions Club welcomed two new members and a furry, four-footed guest during its March 20 evening meeting at Paulie’s Pub in Aurora.

Lions Clubs District 1-J Governor Jeff Cholewa, center, inducts new Aurora Lions Club members March 20. From left are Steve Lord, new member; Randy Brown, Aurora club president; Cholewa; and Amy Zabel, new member. The evening induction ceremony took place at Paulie’s Pub in Aurora. Al Benson/The Voice
Cosmo, a Leader Dog in training, is led by Lions Clubs District 1-J Governor Jeff Cholewa during a March 20 Aurora Lions Club meeting. Al Benson/The Voice

Inducted by the Club were Steve Lord of Geneva and Amy Zabel of Aurora. Zabel, WAS sponsored by club president Randy Brown, is a retired teacher and daughter of a former Lion. Lord, a former Beacon-News reporter, was sponsored by past president Susan Koepke. With Zabel and Lord, Aurora Lions total 40 members.

Brown introduced Jeff Cholewa, Lions District 1-J governor, who led the induction ceremony. Cholewa led the inductees in taking the obligation of membership. He concluded by presenting each initiate a membership certificate, information packet and Lions International pin.

Accompanying Cholewa was Cosmo, a Leader Dog in training. Cosmo, nine months old, is Cholewa’s third trainee dog. “Almost 70 pounds, Cosmo is a handful with lots of energy and a lot to learn,” Cholewa said.

The district governor presented membership anniversary chevrons to Bill Poss (35 years) and Doug Needham (30 years).

Guest speaker was Mia Corriea, owner of Oxie Affordable Optical in Aurora which partners with Aurora Lions to provide eye exams and eyeglasses. She said Oxie provides Lions’ candidates with a free exam and eyeglasses per quarter and refers patients to opthamologists as needed.

—Al Benson

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